3 Things To Consider Prior To Filing Phoenix Divorce
There are many things that can happen when a couple files divorce in Arizona. There are many things to consider prior to filing divorce. There can be a lot on the line in the event of a contested Arizona divorce, but not neccesarily in an uncontested Arizona divorce. There is a big difference between the two types of divorce cases. Here are the 3 major things you need to consider before filing divorce in Arizona:
1. BE SURE : Make sure that the decision to file divorce is certain and both parties are absolutely sure about moving and and ending a marriage. Often times emotions can get the best of people and can cause uncertainty or mixed feelings when it comes to filing divorce. Divorce is a permanent decision and life changing event. Make sure you are making the right decision for you and your family.
2. DETERMINE WHETHER IT IS GOING TO BE CONTESTED OR UNCONTESTED. This can be a pretty important aspect of a divorce once you have decided to file divorce. Determining whether or not your divorce will be contested or uncontested can be beneficial in determining the type of Phoenix divorce attorney you hire. An uncontested divorce simply means that both you and your spouse will not challenge each other for custody issues, property, assets, and other common issues. It means you will file divorce with a mutual understanding, which at the end of the day is much more cost effective. A contested divorce is just that, it will be a legal battle and mediation will have to occur in order to come to some sort of agreement between the two parties on those issues.
3. HIRING YOUR PHOENIX DIVORCE ATTORNEY. Make sure that you hire the right Phoenix divorce attorney for you, especially if your divorce will be a contested affair. A good and experienced Phoenix divorce attorney can truly have an impact in protecting your interests and property in a divorce case that is contested in Arizona.
These 3 things will all help you to have both clarity, and a plan of action concerning your Arizona divorce. Filing divorce is not an easy decision to make, but if you are in that position consider these three things for guidance to a successful case.